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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Meeting My Favourite Literary Character

I know this is really a high-school essay topic, but since my teachers never asked us to write this, I am going to write it now!

The 1st character I thought of was Sherlock Holmes, ofcourse. But then, after thinking for a while, I realized I really want to write about Morpheus! Here it is!


I have been travelling around the countryside for days now. Even though it’s only a short vacation, it feels like I have been here forever. The rustic beauty of the village, the serene lake, the majestic mountains bordering the village and the never ending woods just outside the village temple. All feel like a part of me. Like I have been here forever.

It was a bright winter morning and I had gone exploring the woods. Every step I took was like a new wonder, placed there especially for me! I was walking with one eye on the narrow road, hidden beneath the fallen leaves and twigs and another eye on the camera’s viewfinder. Click, click, click…

At a distance, I see a man standing, with his chin on his chest, lost in his own world. The man is tall and wearing a black overcoat. I hesitate for a moment, wondering who he is and what’s he doing here. His dress is not that of a villager, so he must be a tourist like me. Should I go talk to him or just let him be? But isn’t a trip like this supposed to be a ‘human’ experience as well? Atleast that’s what all the books say.

“Hi there!”, I approach him and  wish I was a little taller. He is so tall!


“Nice morning for a hike!” I try to sound like I have not noticed his pale skin. It isn’t polite to stare at a person’s unusual appearance, you know.

“Yes, I think I like it”

“The villagers were telling me there is an abandoned church somewhere in the woods. Do you have any idea where it might be?”

“I don’t think it’s really the church you are looking for, although I do know where it is.”

“Umm… I am pretty sure that I want to see the church. It should be interesting. What makes you think I don’t want to see it?” What a presumptuous prick! I think to myself. I notice that his flowing black overcoat is a little old fashioned, not that I am very fashionable. The blackness of the coat seems to be a strange effect. Like he is wearing the night itself!

“I never said you don’t want to see the church. I said it’s not really what you are looking for. It’s not the reason you are here today.”

“Well, I accept that I really came here to experience the natural beauty of the woods rather than the church. But now that I am here, I think I would check out the church too. Don’t you think it’s a good idea?”

“It’s not easy to reach this place.” He says, as if he didn’t even hear me. “The fact that you are standing here with me means that there is something within you which is significant enough to be placed here! But, before that is done, you must acknowledge it to yourself! You must face the truth and discover what you are here for! You don’t get second chances here.”

Goddamned travel books! I was better off just roaming around on my own and clicking pictures! Bloody human experience! Gets me talking to a nutcase! “Umm… Sorry about the confusion. I think I know which way to go. Thanks for your, umm… help!”

Run… run your ass off before the guy comes chasing after you with a shovel! Thank goodness he isn’t really chasing me. He is just standing there, looking at me. There is something wrong with his eyes too. Hadn’t noticed them earlier. They are hardly like normal eyes. They are like pools of black night with a star shinning in each eye! What’s wrong with that man?

Do I hear a bell ringing? Can it possibly be the church bells of the abandoned church? I follow the sound of the bells and Surprise! It is the church indeed! A couple of pure white angels are ringing the bell. Well, it must be a Sunday. The mass is quite impressive for an abandoned church. Lots of fauns and sphinxes here, I see.
And then I realize what I gave up in the woods! He said I won’t get a second chance here! Noooo…